Saturday, February 26, 2011

Completely Wrecked

I have spent the past two days at an incedible conference called the Idea Camp. God so encouraged me through this precious time of fellowship and testimony and stories and hard conversation, gut-wrenching pain. Real people, vulnurable people. People passionate about coming together to do something about the 150 million orphans in the world. Activists, bloggers, artists, families passionate about adoption, the corporate world, founders of non-profits, men and women from across the counry gathering to hear from keynote speakers leading this fight for the least of these. Through the tough questions, heart-wrenching conversations and stories, the truth of the "how tos", the vastly differing opinions, the overwhelming need, the reality of it all...through the pain, I was encouraged.
Going into this idea camp, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I was excited for the opportunity to network with so many people who have been where I am…and gone to where I desire to go. People who have heeded the call we each have, to begin to reconcile the plight of the orphan. On the way to the conference, I honestly asked myself how a conference on orphan care could really pertain to trafficking? I mean, I understood that many girls who are trafficked have become “orphans” so to speak.

This weekend the Lord began a very painful and heart-wrenching experience of showing me my vast ignorance to the plight of the orphan, how incredibly blind I have been. How overwhelmingly naïve I am. He has truly just wrecked me in the most uncomfortable way.

Over the next days, weeks and months, I will begin to wrestle with some of these battles in my mind and truths I would much rather continue to ignore. In the plight of the orphan, ignorance is NOT bliss. It is, however, deadly.

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