Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The past five days have been spent in Atlanta, GA to attend the Passion 2011 conference. Throughout the ten hour drive up there, my mind could not help but reflect upon where I was last year at this time. Physically, I was in Atlanta for Passion 2010; spiritually I was confused, bound in chains, and not ready to surrender certain areas of my life to the Cross. What a Faithful God who LOVES me more then I will ever be able to comprehend. Oh He is good, so so good. It is both humbling and beautiful to see the transformation He has brought forth in my life over just a year. Unbelievable really. But I guess it shouldn’t surprise me, considering who He is. And yet I am still in awe of His patience and kindness in my life. So, so gracious is He!

By no means do I have it all together, nor is my life without struggles and sin, yet I do know that One who paid an incomprehensible debt on the Cross to cover it all…for me. What?! Do we really understand what this means? Do we KNOW Him? Do we really know Him? The past few days I was privialged to hear some incredible teachers of the Word—Beth Moore, Louie Giglio, Fancis Chan, John Piper, Andy Stanley, David Platt. It is crazy how God places such incredible knowledge of the Word in their hearts and has gifted each of them to teach in a way that does not really leave much of an option to stay the same upon the conclusion of the message. Worship was incredible and the new Passion 2011 CD blows my mind…God is surely moving in the lives of the artists as well. And of course it is always incredible to participate in giving twords all of these incredible causes in the GO Center at Passion…21,000 broke college kids gave over $1 million in four days…what?! All of it given to further the Kingdom and proclaim Jesus to the nations.

Perhaps it is because this year my life is so completely different from last year or maybe it is because I am at a point where I needed to be challenged, called up and out, and healed in certain areas as well, but this year as I walk away from the past few days, my life is not going to look the same anymore. I refuse to hear what I heard and remain the same person…He has called me, all of us really, to so much more. And one day we will all be accountable to what we hear…all I want to hear is “Well done, good and faithful servant.” So for me, 2011 is a new beginning so to speak, but not because of the new year, but because of the fact that Jesus spoke some incredible Truth into my life through my time at Passion and now I get the privilege of carrying out the things He revealed.

More to come...

Check out the global impact of the college kids at Passion 2011...unfathomable. All the glory to Jesus!
Do you know what 21,000 broke college kids gave?
Check out a bit of the incredible worship on this video...
One of Passion 2011's New Songs!

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